Sunday, February 1, 2009

4 Steps to Financially Surviving a Recession

Families are financially bleeding as your reading this. Are you going to be next or are you going to survive this financial crisis. Here are simple 4 steps you can do now to survive this drought.

Article by Justin Verrengia
If you live in the United States then it's no secret we are living in a recession as we speak, if you cannot see that then your living in denial and if that's the case go take a long look around you.
This article was designed to help you survive this financial recession millions of families are struggling through as we speak.

Here are 4 steps you can start implementing immediately...

1. Calculate your current cash flow and necessary living expenses.
Calculate exactly how much all your necessary living expenses are. Then calculate your income. Your cash flow is the money left over after you pay all your necessary expenses such as credit card debt, mortgage debt, food, etc.
Your whole objective here is to eliminate all your unnecessary bills such as cable tv, expensive meals, entertainment and all other discretionary forms of expense. You need to eliminate everything you possibly can in which you can go by without.
Then recalculate your new total cash flow which is the excess money left over after you pay all your bills. The more the merrier. Our goal is to maximize our cash flow so we can have extra money to survive the financial drought.

2. Start Saving Now!
This is the holy grail of surviving right here. Cash flow without saving is dead. Saving is the only other required action needed to take place and without this discipline your toast.
Setup a target with some goals, for example you might say, " For this month of May, 2008 my target is to save $2,000." That is the target and then set 3 goals in which you can already do in way's of budgeting that will aid you in achieving your target such as, "I will cut my $200 cable bill" or "I will work X amount of extra hours this month" you get the point.
Be sure to setup realistic targets at first because they're very attainable and once you see how easy it really is then challenge yourself and go for the gusto. Keep in mind the more you save the more you survive, this is vital to get it through your head.

3. Make more money!
Making more money, This is easier said then done, right? You can simply ask for a raise and pray for a yes, but even then it's not enough if we truly demand to get ahead.
You can network with others to find new opportunities to advance in your company, find a better company itself or come up with ideas to earn some extra cash. Maybe try to find a part time job where you could make more money, even if temporarily.
Cash is king, the more you earn the more you can save and make wise investments which will produce you even more money.

4. Staying Positive!
Personal Growth is the power to become wealthy from within. By staying positive you are then attracting positive circumstances into your life . This concept is explained well in the recent book/movie "The Secret" in which states, "We are what we think." This means if we think positive and emotionalize in that action we will attract exactly that into reality every single time, without fail.
A great way to stay positive throughout the day is to either read or listen to some audio books on your IPod on a daily basis, Material such as Napoleon Hill's classic "Think & Grow Rich", Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad", or Joe Vitales "The Attractor Factor".

These kind of teaching are all personal growth and will reprogram your brain to think positive and control your reality and future.
Law of attraction states, "if you think of your debt then you will attract more debt" but "if you think about making more money, better health, or abundance you will attract exactly that. Again the key is always staying positive so you can always grow and attract more greatness into your life.
So to recap here there are 4 steps needed to be followed if you expect to survive this financial recession which has already began.
Know your expenses and cash flow, minimize unnecessary expenses and maximize your cash flow. Then save your money and continue to make more money. Don't forget to always stay positive so you can always continue to grow.
Learn how personal development author Justin Verrengia & his inner circle are helping thousands of families put $5,000, $10,000 into their pockets every week.

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